Letter To Municipal Corporation For Removing Speed Breakers – Removal Of Excessive Speed Breakers


The Chairman,
Municipal Corporation,
____________ (Address, City)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

______________ (Name of the citizen),
______________ (Address)

Subject: Requesting removal of speed breakers

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, ____________ (Name of the citizen), beg to draw your attention towards the residency/area ___________________ (Mention the correct address). There are excessive and unwanted numbers of speed breakers in the area which are causing problems. {Mention all the incidents/accidents happened because of speed breakers here}

I, on behalf of all the residents, want you to take action to avoid any more incidents. I request you to please send a team to remove them at the earliest.

____________ (Signature)
____________ (Name of the citizen),
____________ (Address),
____________ (Contact Details)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • letter to municipality complaining about speed breakers
  • letter to municipality informing about excessive speed breakers

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