Letter for Appointment with Teacher By Parents


_________ (Name of the Teacher)
_________ (School Address)

Date: __/__/____

Subject: Request for an appointment

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is __________(Parent’s Name) Parent of  _______ (Student’s Name), who studies in ________ (Class) of your esteemed school. I am writing to you today to request an appointment with you so as to have a discussion regarding __________ (my ward’s performance) and ________ (Mention other reason for having an appointment)

I humbly request you to give me a suitable time so that I can come and pay you a visit regarding the same. Here are my contact details:
Name of the Parent: ____________
Contact Number of the Parent:_____________

I await appointment confirmation.

Yours thankfully
__________ (Signature)
__________ (Name of the Parent)
__________ (Contact Number)
__________ (Email Address)


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